Saturday, 22 November 2014

The Missing Number

The children have been enjoying entering into a missing number competition. During activity time, each child has the opportunity to figure out the missing number and write the number down (and his or her name) on a slip of paper. At the end of the day, every child that enters wins a small prize (e.g., a couple of letter pretzels). The children love this activity. It's a great way for them to practise printing numbers and it gives them an opportunity to practise self-regulation as they need to remember to do this job at some point during their day. We do a similar activity where the children have to guess how many items there are in a jar and write down their estimate.
We give the children a choice as to which missing number they would like to write down. The "green" numbers are the challenge. By the end of Kindergarten students are expected to know the numbers 1-10.